a blog where joe delia blogs about video games in a blog

The Wonders of Horrorfind

Posted by Joe DeLia on September 30, 2009

Hi all. Sorry for the lack of updates…I have been a busy boy.

I did have time to throw a few reviews up, which I guess counts as a post-worthy update. If you are at all curious about Mini Ninjas, Gemini Lost, or Spyborgs, hit those links. It’s kinda shocking that the $20 downloadable PC casual title is the best of that pack…

I also need to share the following, as last weekend featured a few random bouts of awesomness. My (one day) brother-in-law and I travelled to Maryland, which is the home of a few sports teams that I don’t care about and the Army Ordnance Museum that we didn’t visit. What we DID visit was Horrorfind Weekend 2009, a random assembling of creeps, weirdos and horror fiends.

The show floor itself was mostly packed with vendor tables, though not quite the ones you would expect. Sure, some of them had t-shirts and action figures, but there was also two booths giving tatoos (yes, the needle kind), another offering Betty Page-style 50’s pinup haircuts for the ladies, and even one that was selling Laserdisks. I’ll say that again: the dude in the picture below was selling LASERDISKS.

There are also a few costumes worth pointing out, as there was a magnificent, celebrity-judged competition on the night that we arrived.

First and foremost was Drunk Cthulhu Chick, which proved that alcohol and cosplay should always go together.

Next up is Fat Kiss Guy and his son, the puppet from Saw. Can’t tell which is creepier.

A female Hunter from Left 4 Dead, one of the three L4D themed costumes in the competition.


The contest-winning costume (and pretty fantastic achievement overall) was this walking-bed Exorcist setup, complete with Priest, vomit and blood. Danny Trejo was going bananas.

Speaking of Sr. Trejo, I had no choice but to shake the man’s hand. Seemed like the nicest guy in the world, though I did feel like I had just escaped from near-certain death after walking away. He said that Machete is coming out in January.

I also ran into this young woman, who did an utterly fantastic job with her Silent Hill nurse costume. I was fairly tanked when that picture was taken, so it’s a good thing that there weren’t any wooden boards or crowbars around. I posted the video of her stage walk below, which was great enough to earn her a prize during the competition.

And that’s it for Horrorfind Weekend. The rest of my pics can be found here, and they include celebrities, skanks, spiders, and an interesting bathroom wall message.

3 Responses to “The Wonders of Horrorfind”

  1. shoinan said

    Awesome stuff. The Exorcist stuff is crazy. My girlfriend would go apeshit for all of this, so I’ll be sure to send her in the direction of this post.

  2. Joe DeLia said

    Yeah, I couldn’t believe it myself. Hell, I want a walking bed.

  3. Jen said

    Looks excellent!

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